
how to install skimmer in concrete pool

Installing a skimmer in a concrete pool is a crucial step in maintaining water cleanliness and circulation. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install a skimmer in a concrete pool:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Skimmer unit with faceplate and basket
  2. PVC pipe and fittings (if not included with the skimmer)
  3. Pool shell adhesive or pool putty
  4. Pool filter pump (if not already installed)
  5. Pool plumbing tools (saw, pipe wrench, pipe cutter, primer, cement)
  6. Safety goggles
  7. Rubber gloves
  8. Measuring tape
  9. Level
  10. Screwdriver
  11. Garden hose
  12. Pool water

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Choose the Skimmer Location:

  • Determine the ideal location for the skimmer on the pool wall. This should be based on the pool’s design and water circulation needs. It’s typically installed near the water’s surface and away from return jets.

2. Measure and Mark:

  • Measure and mark the exact location for the skimmer on the pool wall using a level and measuring tape. Ensure it’s level and positioned correctly.

3. Cut an Opening:

  • Using a saw or cutting tool suitable for concrete, cut an opening in the pool wall according to the skimmer’s manufacturer’s instructions. The opening should be slightly larger than the skimmer faceplate.

4. Install the Skimmer Unit:

  • Insert the skimmer unit through the opening from inside the pool. Make sure it fits snugly.

5. Secure the Skimmer Faceplate:

  • Secure the skimmer faceplate to the skimmer unit from the outside of the pool using screws or bolts provided by the manufacturer. Tighten them evenly to create a watertight seal.

6. Connect PVC Plumbing:

  • Connect the PVC plumbing pipes and fittings to the skimmer unit’s inlet port. Ensure a secure connection using primer and cement, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

7. Connect to the Pool Pump:

  • Connect the other end of the PVC plumbing to the pool pump’s inlet or the pool’s circulation system, depending on your pool’s design. Use appropriate fittings and ensure a secure, watertight connection.

8. Seal the Skimmer:

  • Seal around the edges of the skimmer faceplate and the pool wall using pool shell adhesive or pool putty. This will create a watertight seal to prevent leaks.

9. Test for Leaks:

  • Fill the pool with water until it reaches the skimmer’s opening. Check for any signs of leakage around the skimmer faceplate and plumbing connections.

10. Turn On the Pool Pump:

  • Turn on the pool pump and check that water is being drawn into the skimmer basket.

11. Adjust Water Level:

  • Monitor the water level in the pool to ensure it’s within the skimmer’s operational range. Adjust the water level as needed.

12. Check Skimmer Functionality:

  • Verify that the skimmer is effectively removing debris from the pool’s surface. Clean the skimmer basket regularly to maintain optimal performance.

13. Final Inspection:

  • Inspect the entire installation for any signs of leaks or issues. Make any necessary adjustments or repairs.

Installing a skimmer in a concrete pool is a critical part of pool construction or renovation. Proper installation ensures efficient water circulation and maintenance. If you’re not comfortable with any part of this process, consider hiring a professional pool installer to ensure a correct and leak-free installation.

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